An Ode to Miriam Black

DISCLAIMER This isn’t a review. I sat down and started to write a review for The Cormorant, and quickly it turned into an ode to Miriam Black and Chuck Wendig. Then I went on Goodreads and saw that, while I thought this was a trilogy, there is a fourth book planned? I probably missed the…

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The Three – Sarah Lotz

About the Book Four simultaneous plane crashes. Three child survivors. A religious fanatic who insists the three are harbingers of the apocalypse. What if he’s right? The world is stunned when four commuter planes crash within hours of each other on different continents. Facing global panic, officials are under pressure to find the causes. With…

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Prince of Fools – Mark Lawrence

About the Book Hailed as “epic fantasy on a George R. R. Martin scale, but on speed” (Fixed on Fantasy), the Broken Empire trilogy introduced a bold new world of dark fantasy with the story of Jorg Ancrath’s devastating rise to power. Now, Mark Lawrence returns to the Broken Empire with the tale of a…

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Cancer. It’s on my mind.

Life is measured by a series of moments. Today, Jay Lake died. Yesterday I was diagnosed with cancer for the third time. I never met Jay Lake in person, and we had a grand total of three or four private conversations. However, he wrote this post for my Special Needs in Strange Worlds series when…

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Books I’m Eyeing

This week has been exciting. I was interviewed on Hide and Create about writing characters with disabilities. I started an international giveaway, and I came home from a wonderful vacation. I’ve also been working on a few books that are astoundingly good so far. The Mirror Empire by Kameron Hurley, The Girl with All the…

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Meditations on My Real Children by Jo Walton

About the Book It’s 2015, and Patricia Cowan is very old. “Confused today,” read the notes clipped to the end of her bed. She forgets things she should know—what year it is, major events in the lives of her children. But she remembers things that don’t seem possible. She remembers marrying Mark and having four…

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I was Interviewed (on the Hide and Create Podcast)!

I know, weird, right? I mean, who would want to actually interview me? I’m pretty boring. Well, the people at the Hide and Create podcast were suckered into it. Poor guys. I tried to be interesting… but… They interviewed me about writing characters with disabilities. We talked about my column at SF Signal, what sort…

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Veil of the Deserters – Jeff Salyards

About the Book History, Family and Memory… these are the seeds of destruction. Bloodsounder’s Arc continues as Captain Braylar Killcoin and his retinue continue to sow chaos amongst the political elite of Alespell. Braylar is still poisoned by the memories of those slain by his unholy flail Bloodsounder, and attempts to counter this sickness have…

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