[Guest Post] Kenny Sowards on Outlining

About the Author Kenny Soward grew up in a small Kentucky suburb listening to hard rock and playing outdoors. In those quiet ’70s streets, he jumped bikes, played Nerf football, and acquired many a childhood scar. His love for books flourished early, a habit passed down by his uncles, and he spent many high school…

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Pretty Little Dead Girls – Mercedes Murdock Yardley

About the Book “Run, Star Girl.” BRYONY ADAMS IS DESTINED TO BE MURDERED, but fortunately Fate has terrible marksmanship. In order to survive, she must run as far and as fast as she can. After arriving in Seattle, Bryony befriends a tortured musician, a market fish-thrower, and a starry-eyed hero who is secretly a serial…

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[Guest Post] Jaime Lee Moyer – A Year Isn’t so Long.

About the Author Jaime Lee Moyer lives in San Antonio, land of cowboys, cactus, and rhinestones. She writes books about murder, betrayal, friendship, magic, and kissing, an activity her cats approve of (even the kissing). Her first novel, Delia’s Shadow, was published by Tor Books September 17, 2013. The second book in the series, A…

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[Guest Review by G.R. Matthews] Artful – Peter David

Huge thanks to G.R. Matthews for writing this review! — About the Book Oliver Twist is one of the most well-known stories ever told, about a young orphan who has to survive the mean streets of London before ultimately being rescued by a kindly benefactor. But it is his friend, the Artful Dodger, who has…

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Bitter Greens – Kate Forsyth + GIVEAWAY

(Scroll to the end to see the GIVEAWAY details!) Publication Date: September 23, 2014 | Thomas Dunne Books | Hardcover; 496p | ISBN-10: 1250047536 Genre: Historical/Fantasy/Fairy-Tale Retellings The amazing power and truth of the Rapunzel fairy tale comes alive for the first time in this breathtaking tale of desire, black magic and the redemptive power…

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