Finn Fancy Necromancy – Randy Henderson

About the Book Writers of the Future grand prize winner Randy Henderson presents a dark and quirky debut in Finn Fancy Necromancy. Finn Gramaraye was framed for the crime of dark necromancy at the age of 15, and exiled to the Other Realm for twenty five years.  But now that he’s free, someone—probably the same someone—is…

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The Self-Published Blogger Challenge

First things first, it’s not me hosting this. It’s author Mark Lawrence. This weekend, Mark contacted me and bounced his idea off of me regarding this self-published author/blogger challenge. We toyed with it back and forth a bit, and he, of course, perfected it. I volunteered right off the bat because it sounded like an…

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Rapid Reviews – The Pass/Fail Version

I’m behind on my reviewing, so in an effort to catch up I’m going to do a few rapid reviews of random books that I haven’t had time to talk about yet. Remember in college when you could take a class and opt to either pass or fail it? No letter grade, just pass/fail. Well,…

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Vision in Silver – Anne Bishop

About the Book The Others freed the cassandra sangue  to protect the blood prophets from exploitation, not realizing their actions would have dire consequences. Now the fragile seers are in greater danger than ever before—both from their own weaknesses and from those who seek to control their divinations for wicked purposes. In desperate need of answers, Simon…

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Touch – Claire North

About the Book Kepler had never meant to die this way — viciously beaten to death by a stinking vagrant in a dark back alley. But when reaching out to the murderer for salvation in those last dying moments, a sudden switch takes place. Now Kepler is looking out through the eyes of the killer…

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Infinity Bell – Devon Monk

About the Book Return to national bestselling author Devon Monk’s heartpounding House Immortal series, where eleven powerful Houses control the world and all its resources. But now, the treaty between them has been broken, and no one—not even the immortal galvanized—is safe…. Matilda Case isn’t normal. Normal people aren’t stitched together, inhumanly strong, and ageless,…

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Updates of a personal nature

Well, things have been happening… If you don’t care, feel free to overlook this post. First things first, we are having another baby girl. She’s due sometime around August 23. I will have a c-section, so it’ll be a week or so before that. She’s healthy and apparently comfortable in my uterus. Unlike my experience…

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A Darker Shade of Magic – V.E. Schwab

About the Book Kell is one of the last Travelers—rare magicians who choose a parallel universe to visit. Grey London is dirty, boring, lacks magic, ruled by mad King George. Red London is where life and magic are revered, and the Maresh Dynasty presides over a flourishing empire. White London is ruled by whoever has…

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Murder of Crows – Anne Bishop

About the Book After winning the trust of the terra indigene residing in the Lakeside Courtyard, Meg Corbyn has had trouble figuring out what it means to live among them. As a human, Meg should be barely tolerated prey, but her abilities as a cassandra sangue make her something more. The appearance of two addictive drugs has…

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