Dragon Keeper/Haven – Robin Hobb

I write this review with a heavy heart. I have put off writing this review for a few days now because I just didn’t know what to say or how to say it. I’m a huge Hobb fan. The Farseer trilogy remains firmly wedged on my bookshelf, keeping company with George R. R. Martin and…

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Nights of Villjamur – Mark Charan Newton

I’m always kind of hesitant to read a book that the entire speculative world has already read and raved about. I get nervous because, what if the book just doesn’t live up to the hype? What if I read it and end up being the only person alive who hated it? So I avoided Nights of…

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Spellwright – Blake Charlton

About the Book Nicodemus Weal has trained at the stronghold of Starhaven since he was a boy. His mentor, the famous wizard Magister Shannon, taught him how to cast spells made from luminescent magical runes, how to peel written words off a page and make them physically real. Initially, Nicodemus showed great promise. Able to…

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All the Windwracked Stars – Elizabeth Bear

About the Book She is starlight made immortal flesh, and her soul lives inside her sword of light. She is Muire, the last of the Valkyrie, and she walks among the morals of Valdyrgard alone, save for the Valraven– one of the many-formed steeds who carried some of the Valkarie to war–who claimed her for…

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Ship Breaker – Paolo Bacigalupi

About this book:In America’s Gulf Coast region, where grounded oil tankers are being broken down for parts, Nailer, a teenage boy, works the light crew, scavenging for copper wiring just to make quota– and hopefully live to see another day. But when, by luck or chance, he discovers an exquisite clipper ship beached during a…

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Haywired – Alex Keller (with author interview)

Back Cover Blurb: In the quiet village of Little Wainesford, Ludwig Von Guggenstein is about to have his unusual existence turned inside out. When he and his father are blamed for a fatal accident during the harvest, a monstrous family secret is revealed. Soon Ludwig will begin to uncover diabolical plans that span countries and…

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Blood Ties – Pamela Freeman

Back Cover Blurb: A thousand years ago, the Eleven Domains were invaded and the original inhabitants were driven onto the road as travelers, belonging nowhere, welcomed by no one. Now the Domains are governed with an iron fist by the Warlords, but there are wilder elements in the landscape that cannot be controlled and that may prove…

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Bitter Seeds – Ian Tregillis

About the Book Raybould Marsh is a British secret agent in the early days of the Second World War. During a mission back in the Spanish Civil War, he saw something strange: a German woman with wires going into her head. She looked at him as if she knew him. When the Nazis start running…

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Another Brandon Sanderson Book Signing

Yesterday I found out about an event called “Authorpalooza” which I guess is a bi-yearly thing in Utah or something like that. Anyway, it’s an event where about 30-40 local authors get together in a Barnes and Noble store and sign books, talk to fans and etc. I learned that Brandon Sanderson was going to…

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Havemercy – Jaida Jones & Danielle Bennett

Back Cover Blurb:  Thanks to its elite Dragon Corps, the capital city of Volstov has all but won the hundred years’ war with its neighboring enemy, the Ke-Han. The renegade airmen who fly the corps’s mechanical, magic-fueled dragons are Volstov’s greatest weapon. But now one of its members is at the center of a scandal…

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