What to expect through January

Because I love my readers, I figure I should be honest and let you guys know what to expect from me in the next little bit – as I have some issues that have (and will) come up that are going to affect my blogging and reviewing frequency. I guess I am also painfully open…

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The Dark Mirror – Juliet Marillier

About the Book Bridei is a young nobleman, a fosterling of one of the most powerful druids in the land, Broichan. All of Bridei’s earliest memories are of this dark and mysterious man he trusts above all others. Broichan seems to have plans for Bridei, seems to be training him for a special purpose the…

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25,000 hits!

Wow!  I am kind of in awe right now. I started this puppy in May of this year and today I made it to 25,000 hits. That’s really neat for me. It’s incredibly flattering that enough people think my etc is interesting enough to visit my blog. So thanks to everyone who has helped me…

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My epic "Blah-blah-blah of 2010" list

The husband and I traded plagues (ie: he has what I had and I have what he had). Thus, since incredibly profound or review-worthy thoughts seem to be impossible for me right now, I’m going to jump on the “blah-blah-blah of 2010” list bandwagon. You can read my reviews of all these books if you…

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The Greyfriar – Clay Griffith & Susan Griffith

About the Book Vampire predators run wild in this exciting steampunk adventure, the first in an alternate history trilogy that is already attracting attention. In 1870, monsters rise up and conquer the northern lands, As great cities are swallowed up by carnage and disease, landowners and other elite flee south to escape their blood-thirsty wrath….

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And the winner is…

As promised, today I went to random.org and had it generate the winning number, which was 4. The fourth person to enter the contest was Ryan. So, congratulations to him for winning. You have until Wednesday to get in touch with me so we can discuss details of how to get the book to you….

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Virga: Cities of the Air – Karl Schroeder + Giveaway

About the Book It is the distant future. The world known as Virga is a fullerene balloon three thousand kilometers in diameter, filled with air, water, and floating chunks of rock. The humans who live in this vast environment must build their own fusion suns and “towns” that are in the shape of enormous wood…

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The Player of Games – Iain M. Banks

About the Book The Culture – a human/machine symbiotic society – has thrown up many great Game Players, and one of the greatest is Gurgeh. Jernau Morat Gurgeh. The Player of Games. Master of every board, computer and strategy. Bored with success, Gurgeh travels to the Empire of Azad, cruel and incredibly wealthy, to try…

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Tigana – Guy Gavriel Kay

About the Book Drawing on the most powerful mythic archetypes, this master epic of magic, politics, war–and the power of love and hate–is a rich, beautifully written, multidimensional work. The few surviving inhabitants of the destroyed land of Tigana bond together in a secret battle to release their homeland’s curse and gain their freedom. I…

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The Barsoom Project – Larry Niven & Steven Barnes

About the Book The Barsoom Project is the direct sequel to 1981’s Dream Park. Eviane’s first visit to the state-of-the-art amusement arena Dream Park ended in disaster: the special effects had seemed more real than life…until the holograms she was shooting with live ammunition turned out to be solid flesh and blood…and very, very dead….

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