Discussion: What turns you off?

I can handle almost anything with literature. I don’t think I’ve found a level of swearing that bothers me. I don’t mind graphic details. In fact, I tend to embrace them. Give me the all the cursing, the blood, guts, sex, and… well, pretty much anything you want to throw my way. I don’t care….

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Deathless – Catherynne M. Valente

About the Book Koschei the Deathless is to Russian folklore what giants or wicked witches are to European fairy tales: a menacing, evil figure; the villain of countless stories which have been passed on for generations through and storybooks and verbal lore. But Koschei has never looked quite as he does through the eyes of…

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Why do YOU read speculative fiction? – Discussion

I’m going to start toying with a (potentially) once-a-week “discussion” type post, wherein readers can read and share ideas about certain topics. This is my first post of that nature. This will be fairly experimental while I see how it takes off. If it works, I’ll keep doing it. If it belly flops, I’ll drop it.  So…

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Old Man’s War – John Scalzi

About the Book John Perry did two things on his 75th birthday. First he visited his wife’s grave. Then he joined the army. The good news is that humanity finally made it into interstellar space. The bad news is that planets fit to live on are scarce—and alien races willing to fight us for them…

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Dark Jenny – Alex Bledsoe

About the Book Freelance Sword Jockey Eddie LaCrosse is in the wrong place at the wrong time while conducting an undercover investigation on the island kingdom of Grand Bruan. When a poisoned apple kills a member of the queen’s personal guard, Eddie becomes the prime suspect in the murder. He must do some fast talking…

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Hellhole – Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson

About the Book Only the most desperate colonists dare to make a new home on Hellhole. Reeling from a recent asteroid impact, tortured with horrific storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, and churning volcanic eruptions, the planet is a dumping ground for undesirables, misfits, and charlatans…but also a haven for dreamers and independent pioneers. Against all odds,…

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Twelve – Jasper Kent

 About the Book The voordalak–creature of legend, the tales of which have terrified Russian children for generations. But for Captain Aleksei Ivanovich Danilov–a child of more enlightened times–it is a legend that has long been forgotten. Besides, in the autumn of 1812, he faces a more tangible enemy: the Grande Armee of Napoleon Bonaparte. City…

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It’s a…

Happy Healthy Baby GIRL!  I really suck at all things ultrasound so all I know is in this picture you can see a lot of her arm and leg bones and I think that looks cool.  Thanks to everyone who gave me support during this time. I really do appreciate it. I have to go…

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And the winner is…

First of all, thanks to everyone who entered my The Sorcerer’s House giveaway.  I just did the handy-dandy computer randomizer program. The winner for this contest is Lokidude. Lokidude, please email me at bookwormblues (at) live (dot) com with your mailing address and I’ll get the book in the mail for you as soon as possible.  Thanks again for everyone who…

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Another Health-Related Update

Well, kids, here it is. Another bit of health drama to add to my pile.  First, I should say that I’m not exactly comfortable fessing up to this bit of news because it’s really, really hard for me to think about. However, writing things out is very therapeutic for me and I’ve had a lot…

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