7th Sigma – Steven Gould

About the book Welcometo the territory. Leave your metal behind, all of it. The bugs willeat it, and they’ll go right through you to get it…Don’t carry it, don’t wearit, and for god’s sake don’t come here if you’ve got a pacemaker. Thebugs showed up about fifty years ago—self-replicating, solar-powered,metal-eating machines. No one knows where they came from. They…

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Discussion: Who has better fantasy, UK or US?

A few months ago I got into a discussion with someone on Twitter about the quality of fantasy/sci fi in the UK and US. Basically, this individual’s perspective was that, “America has all the good musicians. The UK has all the good fantasy authors.” While I don’t know if I agree or disagree, or if…

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Michael Sullivan answers a question

Thisweek it was made known to me that Michael Sullivan, the author of Riyria Revelations, was doing a question-answer session on Goodreads (from July 15-17). I decided that Icouldn’t pass up this opportunity to ask him a question, and then share withthe world (via my blog) his answer and maybe help him get some attention forhis…

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The First Days – Rhiannon Frater

About the book RhiannonFrater’s As the World Dies trilogy is an internet sensation. Thefirst two books, The First Days and Fighting to Survive, have won the Dead Letter Award for Best Novelfrom Mail Order Zombie. TheFirst Days was named one of the Best Zombie Books of theDecade by the Harrisburg BookExaminer. American Horror Blog calls Rhiannon Frater “a writer to watch.” Themorning that the world ends,…

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The Snow Queen – Joan D. Vinge

About the book The imperious Winter colonists have ruled theplanet Tiamat for 150 years, deriving wealth from the slaughter of the seamers. But soon the galactic stargate will close, isolating Tiamat, and the150-year reign of the Summer primitives will begin. All is not lost ifArienrhod, the ageless, corrupt Snow Queen, can destroy destiny with an…

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Discussion: Are book reviews objective?

Wow, my first post in blogger’s new template. What a thrill.  I was going to type a review up on Friday, but I’m getting the exhaustion I felt in the first trimester back. I’ve heard that’s fairly typical with one month left. Go, me. Anyway, we had our baby shower on Saturday. Sunday we spent…

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Discussion: Where would you live?

First, apologies for not posting a discussion on Sunday like I usually do. Honestly, I totally forgot. Then Monday was the 4th of July and I wasn’t in the mood. Yesterday I posted a review, which puts a discussion on Wednesday this week, rather than Sunday.  Readers of speculative fiction tend to run into a…

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Spellbound – Blake Charlton

About the Book Francesca DeVega is a healer in the city of Avel, composing magical sentences that close wounds and disspell curses, but her life is thrown into chaos when a newly dead patient sits up and tells her that she must flee the infirmary or face a fate worse than death. Now Francesca is…

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Half-Year Report

This year has been wild so far. I’m used to a quite, rather boring life. Last year I was doing my internship and graduating at my university with all sorts of career goals and dreams and numerous promising interviews. This year I’m pregnant with a myriad of unexpected health issues to make things a touch more interesting….

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