The One Percenters – John Podgursky

About the book Natural selection has becomeunnatural. Having dealt with the vicious murder of his wife, Edward Caine takeshis rightful place as a One-Percenter, eliminating those not fit for the humanrace. He must fight his instinct to use his role for revenge; he is after thosewho live on only because of money and medicine.  The…

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Discussion: Banned books

Last week was Banned Books Week. Many libraries and bookstores mentioned it, or did activities for it. If you are curious about banned or challenged books, look at this link.  Instead of writing a paragraph and then asking a question, like I normally do, I’ll just ask my question.  Do you think some books should…

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Shades of Milk and Honey – Mary Robinette Kowal

About the book Shades of Milk and Honey is exactly what we could expectfrom Jane Austen if she had been a fantasy writer: Pride and Prejudice meetsJonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. It is an intimate portraitof a woman, Jane, and her quest for love in a world where the manipulation ofglamour is considered an essential skill for a…

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Discussion: A Netflix type service for books?

A little while ago, this article (which is very short, so feel free to read it) was sent to me. I thought the idea was really interesting. While the idea of a “Netflix for books” on Amazon does seem like speculation right now, it might just be a matter of time until someone big grabs it…

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Discussion: How long is too long?

I think most people tend to have limits with how long a book or series they are willing to read. I tend to crap out on a book after about 1200 pages, and even that is seriously pushing my limit. On a series, if it’s longer than 10 books I have a hard time justifying…

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The Hum and the Shiver – Alex Bledsoe

About the book No one knows where the Tufa camefrom, or how they ended up in the Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee, yet whenthe first Europeans arrived, they were already there. Dark-haired, enigmatic,and suspicious of outsiders, the Tufa live quiet lives in the hills and valleysof Cloud County. While their origins may be lost to…

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Sea Witch – Helen Hollick

About the book The time: the golden age of piracy- 1716  The Place: the Pirate Round – fromSouth Africa to the Islands of the Caribbean. Escaping the bullying of his elder brother, from the age of fifteen JesamiahAcorne has been a pirate, with only two loves – his ship and his freedom. Buthis life is…

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Awakenings – Edward Lazellari

About the book Cal MacDonnell is a happily married New York City cop with aloving family. Seth Raincrest is a washed-up photographer who has alienatedeven his closest friends. The two have nothing in common—except that they bothsuffer from retrograde amnesia. It’s as if they just appeared out of thin airthirteen years ago, and nothing has…

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Discussion: Favorite bookstore?

I’m not a big fan of big box bookstores like Barnes and Noble. However, they tend to be the most common so, if I’m going to a bookstore, I usually to go to those the most. It’s the small, locally owned bookstores that I have the most fun at. They seem to have the most…

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The Rift Walker – Clay & Susan Griffith

About the book Princess Adele struggles with a life of marriageand obligation as her Equatorian Empire and their American Republic alliesstand on the brink of war against the vampire clans of the north. However, thealliance’s horrific strategy for total victory drives Adele to abandon her dutyand embark on a desperate quest to keep her nation…

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