The Fallen Queen – Jane Kindred

About the book Heaven can go to hell.  Until her cousin slaughtered the supernal family, Anazakia’s father ruled the Heavens, governing noble Host and Fallen peasants alike. Now Anazakia is the last grand duchess of the House of Arkhangel’sk, and all she wants is to stay alive.  Hunted by Seraph assassins, Anazakia flees Heaven with…

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A Fire Upon the Deep – Vernor Vinge

Aboutthe book Thousands of years hence, many races inhabit auniverse where a mind’s potential is determined by its location in space, fromsuperintelligent entities in the Transcend, to the limited minds of theUnthinking Depths, where only simple creatures and technology can function.Nobody knows what strange force partitioned space into these “regions ofthought,” but when the warring…

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Green – Jay Lake

About the book Herexquisite beauty and brilliant mind were not enough to free her from captivity.That took her skills with a knife, plus the power of a goddess. Shewas born in poverty, in a dusty village under the equatorial sun. She doesnot remember her mother, she does not remember her own name–her earliest clearmemory is of…

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Long Eyes and Other Stories – Jeff Carlson

Aboutthe book From the mind thatbrought you Plague Year and The Frozen Sky…  SIXTEEN STORIES ABOUT STRANGE WORLDS, BIOTECH,COMMANDOS, AND THE GIRL NEXT DOOR.  “Striking.” –Locus Online  “Exciting.” –SF Revu  “Chilling and dangerous.”–  First published in top venues such as Asimov’sScience Fiction Magazine and cult ‘zines like The Vampire’s Crypt, thesestories have been translated into…

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Discussion: Do you schedule?

The end of the year is always kind of interesting for me, especially with bloggers. People summarize their year, throw shout outs to whoever they think was awesome during the previous year and… undoubtably, some of them will write a list of books they plan to read.  I don’t schedule or plan like that. It’s…

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Wintertide – Michael Sullivan

About the book A FORCED WEDDING. A DOUBLE EXECUTION. TWOTHIEVES HAVE OTHER PLANS.  The New Empire intends to celebrate its victoryover the Nationalists with a day that will never be forgotten. On the highholiday of Wintertide the empress will be married and Degan Gaunt and the Witchof Melengar will be publically executed. Then the empress…

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Discussion: What if authors get it wrong?

Occasionally when I am bored I wander around Goodreads to see who is reading what and what they think about it. The other day I was doing this and one common complaint I saw from reviewers was when the individual liked all aspects of the book except this one detail that the author got wrong….

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The Search for Artemis – P.D. Griffith

About the book Fifteen-year-old Landon Wicker is psychokinetic,but the tragic unleashing of his abilities forces him to run from everything heknows. Alone, terrified and unable to remember the events that compelled him toflee, Landon fights to survive and understand what’s happening to him. He findssolace, however, in the company of hundreds of psychokinetics like him…

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The Highest Frontier – Joan Slonczewski

About the book One of the most respected writers of hard SF, ithas been more than ten years since Joan Slonczewski’s last novel. Now shereturns with a spectacular tour de force of the college of the future, inorbit. Jennifer Ramos Kennedy, a girl from a rich and politically influentialfamily (a distant relation descended from the famous Kennedy…

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Discussion: Book recommendations

I’ve finally thought of a discussion for this week. I apologize that it’s a bit late.  I had a friend ask me what fantasy book she should read if she’s never read fantasy before. I honestly had no idea what to say to her, so I asked Twitter and got some great suggestions I threw…

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