25,000 hits!

Wow!  I am kind of in awe right now. I started this puppy in May of this year and today I made it to 25,000 hits. That’s really neat for me. It’s incredibly flattering that enough people think my etc is interesting enough to visit my blog. So thanks to everyone who has helped me…

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My epic "Blah-blah-blah of 2010" list

The husband and I traded plagues (ie: he has what I had and I have what he had). Thus, since incredibly profound or review-worthy thoughts seem to be impossible for me right now, I’m going to jump on the “blah-blah-blah of 2010” list bandwagon. You can read my reviews of all these books if you…

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And the winner is…

As promised, today I went to random.org and had it generate the winning number, which was 4. The fourth person to enter the contest was Ryan. So, congratulations to him for winning. You have until Wednesday to get in touch with me so we can discuss details of how to get the book to you….

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Tell me what to read FINAL list

I know I promised a review today, but life happened in a big, massive way so I postponed it. I apologize. Once again, thank you for nominating books and voting on nominations. Listed below is my final list. I will read each book on the list. I will read the top book first, and then…

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What it takes to write Epic Fantasy

I am a big fan of goodreads.com. The website is a fantastic resource for individuals who are total bibliophiles. There are tons of reading groups, fantastic book reviews, and tons of authors. It’s kind of like the Facebook for readers. Anyway, this one book group I’m a member of has an author each month come…

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