Announcement | BIG DAMN SALE & Upcoming Events

Well, I have a few things to say, dear reader, so pull up a chair and get comfortable. First off, let me tell you about this AMAZING sale I’ve got going on right now.

First off, Seraphina’s Lament is currently FREE until TOMORROW, Tuesday, April 20. FREE. And because I feel like you people have waited long enough, I also slapped up the pre-order page for An Elegy for Hope. I also (bonus) discounted pre-orders to $.99. So, you can get Seraphina’s Lament for FREE, HOLY CRAP. And then swing over to An Elegy for Hope and get the pre-order for $.99.

Pen Astridge, my cover artist, is going to do the cover art for An Elegy for Hope, and once I send Glass Rhapsody off to my editor (soon, very soon) I’ll start organizing what I’ve already got written and finish writing that book. I can’t wait.

So, free book until Tuesday, April 20 at midnight. An Elegy for Hope pre-orders for $.99.

Glass Rhapsody pre-orders are also $.99 right now. I’m really excited about this book. For about two days over the weekend, the book actually had an orange tag on Amazon (#1 New Release), which thrills the hell out of me (and blows my damn mind). Currently, it’s my most pre-ordered book.

I’ve been asked a bit about reading order on this series, so here it is:

Of Honey and Wildfires (book 1)
Oh, That Shotgun Sky (book 1.5/novella)
Glass Rhapsody (book 3, conclusion)

Oh, That Shotgun Sky isn’t necessary to read Glass Rhapsody, but the characters in it do return again in Glass Rhapsody, so…

Now, on to news.

I’m going to start up a re-read/read through on my website for Of Honey and Wildfires and Oh, That Shotgun Sky as we lead up to the release of Glass Rhapsody. Each week, I’ll drop one post covering 2-3 chapters with background information, research, insights, behind the scenes information of the book, that was instrumental to me as I wrote it. I’ll also include thoughts, favorite bits, walls I ran into and banged my head against, issues I had while editing, etc. Just basically I’ll read through these books, and give you, dear reader, background information as I go.

I’ll also be doing giveaways. So, free books.


Stay tuned.