Hey folks!

A little while ago, I was thinking about the upcoming release of Oh, That Shotgun Sky and I thought, what better way to roll that book out than to drastically discount the book that comes before it? Therefore, until February 21, you’ll find Of Honey and Wildfires ON SALE for $.99.

If Annie Proulx (Brokeback Mountain) wrote fantasy, it might be like this. – Fantasy Faction

Lyrical prose, amazing worldbuilding and exceptional characterization, what more can you ask for. – Fantasy Book Critic

Secondly, on the 16th (tomorrow) the novella Oh, That Shotgun Sky drops. I’m really, really proud of this little beastie. It takes place right after Of Honey and Wildfires, and will serve as a bridge between Of Honey and Wildfires and Glass Rhapsody. I’m really, really proud of this series, and any support is (of course) welcome.

“[Sarah] is a writer, a storyteller, and (I swear) a witch with powers to get inside the head and heart unlike just about anybody else in the genre.” – Beauty in Ruins

Buy the book.

And, I’ve got a bajillion editing deadlines this week, so other than that, things will probably be pretty quiet over here. I should have some interviews and reviews up next week.

Be good, my friends.