Today marks the 25th anniversary for the Culture series by Iain M. Banks.
Banks’ Culture novels have stretched and redefined the limits of science fiction. He’s managed to both make science fiction accessible and interesting to new readers, while maintaining and nurturing his fan base with an ever expanding world that plays on unique, deeper themes sure to make you think.
Twenty-five years is an incredible milestone for any series, but keeping such a strong fanbase that keeps expanding with each new release is an even more impressive accomplishment. It is worth celebrating.
Therefore, today will be dedicated to the Culture novels. I will be reviewing Use of Weapons and The Hydrogen Sonata later today (So you get three posts in one day! Yay you!). Until then, you can wait for my esteemed opinions on these two novels by entering to win my GIVEAWAY.

What you win: The new Culture box set which includes Consider Phlebas, Player of Games and Use of Weapons.
This will be a quick contest, so pay attention and enter fast!
- To enter this contest, you must be a resident of the United States or Canada.
- Any comment left on this post (by someone in the correct countries) automatically enters them to win.
- You have until Tuesday, December 4 at midnight MST to enter.
- A winner (yes, just one) will be picked at random one week from today – Wednesday, December 5.
- Winners will be notified via email. You’ll have two days to respond before I pick another person.
That’s one week to enter for a chance to win three incredible books from one of the longest lasting, most mind blowing science fiction series I’ve had the honor of reading.
Good luck to all who enter and check back later for two reviews of Iain M. Banks books.
Once again, happy anniversary to Iain M. Banks. Your series is nothing short of visionary and has helped turn me into a huge science fiction fan.
31 Responses
I have somehow never read these…
Oh I recommend you do. I love this series. Very intelligent SciFi and each book is a standalone, which really appeals to me. You don’t have to slog through 10 to figure out what happens at the end, if that makes sense. I have a review of two of these books going up later today. My first one will go up at 8 and talks a little more about the standalone nature of the series.
Matthew Crocker sent me here. Since he’s my husband I do as he says.
I admire your ability to be submissive.
Occasionally. 😉
An old high school friend recommended these to me just a week ago. Keeping fingers crossed.
I can’t resist. I’ve never read Banks even though he’s such a titan of science fiction. I didn’t even realize you were such a fan so that bumps up my need to read his work very high.
Gret series, I can’t wait to read the new one.
I’ve always meant to go back and read the set; I’ve only read #1 and everyone says #2 is amazing.
That is one sweet giveaway! And you know, he’s one author whose name seems to pop up everywhere and yet I haven’t actually read any of his books. And since I seem to be enjoying science fiction more than ever these days, I really think I ought to.
You’ve just made my mind into a cake, the eating of it will be interesting!
I have not read much Banks and keep being told I should…
I’ve been wanting to read this. Look forward to seeing what you think.
I never tried this series. It sounds interesting. Will need to give it a try.
I haven’t tried any sci-fi yet (mostly because I don’t know a good place to start). Sounds like this would be a the place to get my feet wet. Or, would you recommend something else?
You know, I hadn’t read much SciFi before I read this series. It did seem like a good place to start for me. Each book is standalone, so you don’t have to slog through 100 to figure out the ending of the series. The technology is good and relatively easy to understand and Banks has a way with writing an intelligent but accessible story.
I also started SciFi with Peter F. Hamilton, and while I love his stuff, I found it harder to understand and get into than Banks.
Cool! Well, if I’m not the lucky winner who gets to add this to their reading shelf I’ll have to go find it in the library…the book buying budget is kinda tight 🙁
I’d love to win these! I’ve only read one of his books, but it is one of my favorites. At the time I had no idea it was a part of a series.
Wow, it does sound like a good opportunity to try this series out if I win and fill a gap in my reading as well.
Best, and keep on blogging.
I have not read this series- thanks for the great giveaway and chance!
So many books that I should read . . . thanks for the chance to try these! 🙂
I also haven’t read Iain yet. This would be an awesome gift.
I first knew Iain Banks as a brilliant writer of Scottish fiction. His novel Wasp Factory was brutal but impossible to turn away from. (The attack on the protagonist by a wounded rabbit is alone worth the price of the book!) When I realized that he adds an M to his name so as to not confuse the reader, I understood that here was someone equally at ease in the world of speculative fiction as well. Wonderful stuff!
Awesome giveaway. Pick me please!
I’ve only read Consider Phlebas so far. Really need to give the rest a read. Thanks for the giveaway.
I have read other things by Banks, but not these novels. I love novels that stand alone.
Sounds interesting!
I first encountered Banks when my brother passed me The Wasp Factory, but really got hooked with Feersum Endjinn. Would love to get my hands on this set, as have only read Consider Phlebas of the culture series, and that was many years ago!!
I keep hearing great things about this series from bloggers I respect. This would be a great way to get started. Thanks for the giveaway.
I’ve always meant to get around to these; I suppose this would be as good a way to start as any. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love Player of Games but haven’t read the other two
This sounds like a great series that I would love to try.