I’m currently working on my review of The Winds of Khalakovo, so I decided to put this up in the meantime so I can get some action going on it.
I have one hardcover, unread, unopened copy of The Truth of All Things to give away. I’ve started reading it (my review should be up in a week or so), and it’s quite enjoyable thus far.
About the book:
Two hundred years after the Salem witch trials, in the summer of 1892, a grisly new witch hunt is beginning….
When newly appointed Deputy Marshal Archie Lean is called in to investigate a prostitute’s murder in Portland, Maine, he’s surprised to find the body laid out like a pentagram and pinned to the earth with a pitchfork. He’s even more surprised to learn that this death by “sticking” is a traditional method of killing a witch.
Baffled by the ritualized murder scene, Lean secretly enlists the help of historian Helen Prescott and brilliant criminalist Perceval Grey. Distrusted by officials because of his mixed Abenaki Indian ancestry, Grey is even more notorious for combining modern investigative techniques with an almost eerie perceptiveness. Although skeptical of each other’s methods, together the detectives pursue the killer’s trail through postmortems and opium dens, into the spiritualist societies and lunatic asylums of gothic New England.
Before the killer closes in on his final victim, Lean and Grey must decipher the secret pattern to these murders–a pattern hidden within the dark history of the Salem witch trials.
By Keiran Shields
404 pages (hardcover)
Goodreads link
Contest details:
I’ve decided to have a little fun with this one. I’m interested to see what my fellow imaginative speculative fiction fans can dream up. Here are the rules:
1. Contest is open to anyone.
2. Contest ends on midnight (mountain time), April 29th, so I can announce the winner on my birthday (April 30).
3. To enter, leave a comment below WITH your email address (if you don’t want to leave your email address on an open blog, shoot me an email – bookwormblues (at) live (dot) com).
Now, here’s the “imaginative” part. I want YOU to predict the next fad. For example:
Twilight made vampires popular.
Harry Potter made wizards popular.
The Hunger Games is making dystopian popular.
Michael Jackson made zombies popular (Thriller, anyone?).
I want you to tell me what you think the next fad will be, and what will make it a fad. It can be anything, funny or serious.
I will have an impartial judge choose the best answer, which will be the winner (My husband. Trust me, he’s impartial. First, he doesn’t read books. Second, he doesn’t pay attention to my blog at all so he has absolutely no favorites). The winner will be announced on April 30.
Good luck!!
5 Responses
I think it's Angel-Demons turn and Cassandra Clare's Shadowhunters will do that next year, with City of Bones 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway!
It will be mythical creatures…especially unicorns. Series such Diana Peterfreund's "Killer Unicorn" and a revival of Peter Beagle's "Last Unicorn" is sure to bring this about.
And, this will give Patrick Rothfuss an excuse to write the lesbian unicorn story he's always talking about. 😉
Thanks a bunch,
BTW The lesbian unicorn is a satirical plot element that Patrick Rothfuss is always saying he should randomly insert into a story (especially one that it clearly doesn't belong in) just as a gag to his editor.
Riding on the wave of recent assassin novels, I think it will be ninjas. Maybe with dinosaurs. Ninjas riding dinosaurs.
lewis dot tim at gmail dot com
Yeti’s. Yeti’s! And the threat of nuclear extinction. With yeti’s.