Acquiring Books

I have been procuring books recently. A library sale here, a clearance sale there. It adds up. After picking up four more books today I decided I should blog my cheap finds and see if anyone has read them and, if so, what their opinions are.

So, here are my recent four-dollar-and-under finds.

Yes, I realize this is the fourth book in the series. I have the first two (I enjoyed the first one, haven’t read the second yet). I splurged on it because, come on, it was about .50 cents.

And as a final thought, I have to pimp the fact I have officially won my very first contest. I’ll be receiving:

Along with this book, Janny Wurts is sending me a laminated matching bookmark and an autographed book plate (whatever that is).

So there you have it. Any insights are welcome!

2 Responses

  • Simcha

    I just read Spirit Gate and really enjoyed it,though it was quite different from the other books of Kate Elliott's that I have read. I hope you enjoy it as well.




    A friend of mine said much the same thing as you regarding Kate Elliott. She actually enjoyed The Spirit Gate series better than her Crown of Stars (I forget if that's the actual name of the series or not). I plan on starting it soon 🙂

    Thanks for the comment!

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